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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Not "Heart-Stopping", But New EP is "Energetic and Fun"

It is not groundbreaking and it will not stop your heart, but Never Shout Never’s just-released The Yippee EP is a solid contribution to the ever-growing, popular genre of modern pop-punk.

It has the clever lyrics, like the line from Heregoesnothin “steady breathing/ is all I can advise/ to a girl with a sweet tooth for revenge,” that are reminiscent of Fall Out Boy and Cute Is What We Aim For, without the phony undertone of just wanting to be famous.

The four songs on the EP do not scream variation, but they are energetic and fun.

The song Bigcitydreams touches on the theme of wanting to leave a claustrophobic, Midwest town, which is common among budding pop-punkers, and thus relatable for fans. The young, one-man-band, Christofer Drew, calls Joplin, Missouri his hometown.

The only real grievance raised by the EP is that all the songs are written in lower-case and as one word. You do not have to be a grammarian to be turned off by this unnecessary gimmick (or maybe you do).

The Yippee EP is now available from all digital retailers.

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